Preview Box

Is a premium photos box dedicated to Studio and Photographer to keep and display their artwork products to make portfolios for customers and partners. Also, Preview Box is preferred by many studios and photographers to make products for their customers, as it adds more elegance and professional for the main products. You can customize the own logo of the studio on the Preview Box in order to remember your brand. Or a souvenir for memorable moments for your loved friends and family.

Preview Box included:

  • 1 Premium photos box (Size 29.5x24.5cm) with an Acrylic glass on the surface of the box
  • 9 photo frames made of the Board paper   
  • 9 printed photos (size 13x18cm)

Price: 990.000đ/Set 

(*) The price is included VAT, Not including design service fee and Shipping fee



Premium photos box (Size 29.5x24.5cm) with an Acrylic glass on the surface of the box


9 photo frames made of the Board paper  


9 printed photos (size 13x18cm)


Your logo on the box